Sunday, March 20, 2011

Dear Japan, Please be okay....

Disasters happen, that's apart of life. Yet the shock, the loss, and even the constant emphasis of destruction is something I can never get used too. What happened to Japan is absolutely awful. I find myself constantly reading news about everything that's happened. The powerful earthquake, the overwhelming tsunami, and even the nuclear radiation hit Japan mercilessly. And it really hit home here, all the way in the US, as well.

Not only because of the various pictures and stories but also because it's such an advanced country, and it makes me wonder-if this can happen to them, can it happen to us as well? As a teenager I like to think of myself as mature, and I know for a fact that I'm responsible and focused. Yet death, something so normal and inevitable is something I just don't think through. I don't really think about what would happen if some natural disaster swept everything away and possibly even tore my family apart. I never think about the structure of my life completely crumbling to pieces while trying to survive and cope with all that's happened.

And yet, it happens to people anyway. People who never dreamed of it happening to them either. People who don't know what to do after. People who might even lose hope.

I've been through my share of tough situations within my life. I've been homeless, I've been bullied, and I’ve been insecure. Yet I've never focused on this solely because I had my family with me at all times, I always knew that I would have at least something waiting for me at the end of the day, whether it was my teddy bear, my diary, or even my music, to look forward to.

Now, when I see pictures of children at evacuation centers smiling happily, I wonder-would I be able to smile as well if I were them? I know some of them don't know where their family is, they don't have a home, and they might not have that familiar and comforting teddy bear at the end of the day, and my heart goes out to these children.

I pray for these people, for the country, and for their hope. Some of the stories I've read are just too heart wrenching to bear without at least saying something. So as a teenager with only my blog to share my thoughts on this matter to the world, I ask for everyone to keep Japan in their prayers, or at least in their thoughts if money is an issue.

I pray that Japan will be okay...

Here's the latest news concerning Japan's crises from

1 comment:

  1. Compassion is one of the greatest gifts that we can give another person. Without it, we are just animals floating through this life. As I drove home from my friends this evening, a thought flashed into my head: We are all our brother's keeper. It seems that in this life, that is the only thing that we can really take into eternity. The love and compassion that we express towards others. Japan is a tragedy that deserves the tremendous love and concern that each of us owes each other-Our duty: Love One Another. Your heartfelt comments are a reflection of what's many others are thinking. I wonder if there's a global heart. If it exists, then I know that you're right in the center of it.

    by Eric Dangerfield
