Wednesday, March 2, 2011

They ask me, "Who are you?" And I answer, "I'm simply Me".

The weather was great (despite the humidity) and once again I decided to take some pictures outside. School days somehow seem to be a lot longer than before. But I link this to the prior knowledge that Spring break is not to far away. I can't wait till it's here! I plan on sleeping in, spending time on my computer, and just chilling. Despite the knowledge of Spring break, however, I also have Ap tests, Sat tests, exams, and Taks to worry about. Man I can't wait to get out of High school! Well...then again it'll just be replaced with college but I like to think that's different.
Summer Break is what I'm really looking forward to. I have several months to do as I please compared to a measly week. I can't complain though, a little bit of a break is better than none at all :).


Dear Spring Break, I'm looking foward to your arrival. It's been a whole year since I've last seen you and I can only imagine what might take place this year. After all last year was a blast! I'm interally gratful that you show up for my birthday, it's one of the greatest gifts you can give, a break that is. I'll always hold all the past years of your visits close to my heart, but you're arrival is what I never tire of yearning for.

Looking foward to the visit, Jasmine Castaneda

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